Archive for August, 2011

Hemorrhoid Treatment Using Xylocaine


The most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are rectal pain, itching and bleeding after bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids are usually swollen but small veins in the anal canal walls, however sometimes they can grow to be large veins that fall and project out of the anus. This causes excruciating pain in case blood supply gets [...]

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Effects of Biological Weapons on People


Biological weapons are lethal materials, which are derived from pathogenic organisms, or substances that are artificially manufactured with the intention of using them to incapacitate and interfere with the biological processes against whom they are being used. These chemicals either kill or debilitate the opponent. Biological weapons may be deployed to target living organisms such [...]

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Acne on Face and Shoulders: Acne Troubles


Michelle, all of 19 years is looking forward to the New Year party at her friend’s terrace. From the clothes to the matching shoes and bag, dangling earrings, she has everything in place. But she wakes up on the eve of the party to see a pimple on her nose which makes her feel miserable. [...]

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Benefits of Basil Leaves


The Basil plant is considered as a holy plant by Indians and it is also greatly appreciated by Egyptians and others because this aromatic plant has many medicinal values. Here we are going to see the benefits of basil leaves and the ailments in which it is useful: Fever: Basil is very useful in different [...]

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Foods that Uplift Your Mood


While struggling with work, personal life, managing one’s weight and also fitness one can easily feel that it is all too much to be handled. Therefore, there is a possibility of swinging moods. However, you can just make your mood better with some fantastic food items. As food is a fuel for our body it [...]

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Tattoo Infection Signs, Symptoms and Treatment


Today many people are getting attracted towards having tattoos done. However, be careful before getting a tattoo done as there is a possibility that you may develop a serious and severe tattoo infection. Tattoo infections mainly take place when a needle is not properly sterilized. This can happen at any time even though you have [...]

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Premature Baby Health Issues: Is a Baby Born at 36 Weeks Healthy?


Giving birth to a child crosses all boundaries of joys for any woman on the planet, a feeling which cannot be compared to anything in the world. From the time the baby is conceived till the time it reaches the mother’s arms, there are a lot of factors and health complications which need to be [...]

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Hair Removal Methods at Home for Men and Women


All of us wish for that hairless and soft body. If you are searching the Internet and have landed on this page, I am sure you are amongst those who hate those unwanted strands of hair. Well, look no further. We are going to discuss some quick hair removal methods at home for men and [...]

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