Archive for the ‘Womens Health’ Category

Herbs for Menstruation


Menstruation is the monthly discharge of blood as well as cellular debris from the vagina. It accompanies the periodic shedding of the uterus lining in non pregnant women. Women experience menstruation differently. In some it is painless and predictable, while for others it causes extreme discomfort. Some women lose little blood, whereas others lose enough [...]

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Effects of Eating Papaya in Pregnancy


Papaya is very delicious and has lots of benefits. However, whenever we think of papaya in pregnancy our minds fill with doubt about the benefits of papaya. In pregnancy it is important to eat right. This includes proper diet and right nutrition. However, when papaya is considered; many expectant women have doubts about eating papaya [...]

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Premature Baby Health Issues: Is a Baby Born at 36 Weeks Healthy?


Giving birth to a child crosses all boundaries of joys for any woman on the planet, a feeling which cannot be compared to anything in the world. From the time the baby is conceived till the time it reaches the mother’s arms, there are a lot of factors and health complications which need to be [...]

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Women and their Obsessions: Fairness, Fitness and Fashion


Beauty is God’s gift to women. Each and every woman is beautiful but some are more beautiful and others are a bit less beautiful. Every woman wants to be in that “more beautiful” category. So they are always focused on various beauty values like fairness, fitness and fashion.   Fairness obsession in women: Women are [...]

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Breast and Pelvic Exams Information


It is recommended by gynecologists that a girl should visit her gynecologist anytime between the ages of 13 to 15. It is felt that the girl should be made aware of the bodily changes which are in the process of occurring and that she should be prepared for them. Another reason is to check for [...]

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Food Cravings During Menopause


When women get food cravings during their menopause, it is not because of eating disorders but due to hormonal imbalance. Food craving is a sign of hormonal imbalance which is caused by deficiency in healthy nutrients. Food cravings during menopause may vary from person to person. You may crave for chocolate, candy or foods which [...]

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Martina Navratilova: Breast Cancer Success Story


When the news of Martina Navratilova suffering from breast cancer was broken, it shocked everyone and all her fans expressed their concern for this tennis star. She herself admitted that she was broken down emotionally when she first came to know about the disease. However, she kept up a brave front and decided to fight [...]

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Puffy Eyes in Pregnancy: Home Remedies and Treatment


In every woman’s life, pregnancy is one of the most crucial events. While being pregnant there are lots of changes in your body. You must know that there are some changes in your eye health as well. Most of the women do not have eye health issues persisting and many don’t even notice any changes [...]

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Stress Buster Tips: Women and Daily Stress


Life is full of ups and downs. Especially for women it is very tough to manage the home and career together. While racing in both races you obviously get stressed. Never let stress overcome your happiness. Do not become panicky or get crazy over whatever your life brings to you. Each situation has some solution [...]

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Pregnancy Do’s and Don’ts


Congratulations! Being pregnant and being a mother are the most incredible and glorifying experiences a woman can have in her life. With the ever changing and fast-paced lifestyles that we live in, it is very essential that we know the best approach to having a healthy and happy mother and baby. The following are some [...]

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