Archive for the ‘Lifestyle’ Category

Hair Removal Methods at Home for Men and Women


All of us wish for that hairless and soft body. If you are searching the Internet and have landed on this page, I am sure you are amongst those who hate those unwanted strands of hair. Well, look no further. We are going to discuss some quick hair removal methods at home for men and [...]

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Men and their Psychology About Women: What Women Want to Know About Men!


If you ask any man – what does he think about a woman? Or what does he expect from a woman in their relationship? The answer would be almost the same from most men since they have the same psychology. Here we are going to discuss a few aspects about what every man would expect [...]

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Acupressure Points for Headaches, Back Pain and Constipation


Acupressure is a different form of conventional acupuncture. It is also known as finger acupuncture. It has been found to be effective in the treatment of mild to moderate headaches. It involves the skill of gently rubbing in circular motion the acupuncture points related to headaches. Headaches are quite common and usually do not pose [...]

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Amy Winehouse Drug Abuse Problems: Drug Abuse and Rehab


Amy Winehouse was strongly condemned, recently, for openly confessing her love for the drugs. It is believed that the celebrities have a lot of influence on the lives and conduct of the younger generation. In the light of this, Amy Winehouse’s drug abuse problem has brought a lot of dismay to the governments of various [...]

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Scents that Attract Women: Irresistible Scents that Turn Women On


Perfume triggers bodily attraction simply by spreading pleasant fragrances. Most of these are generally mood boosters that divert you while you are relaxing or may be when you are spending a beautiful evening with your sweetheart. Men have been finding for years the finest and most effective strategies to attract women and now their search [...]

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Dream Interpretation Dictionary: A-Z Dream Interpretation


Dream interpretation is defined as a tool to analyze a person’s mental state by learning in depth about the person’s dreams. It is believed that dream interpretation gives an insight into a person’s unconscious psychic state. Let’s read what some of your dreams mean, in alphabetical order. Meanings of some dreams Apology This dream speaks [...]

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Ear Blockages at High Altitudes: Why do Our Ears Get Blocked at High Altitudes?


Definition of ear blockage at high altitude When altitude changes the air pressure outside your body also changes. So this makes a difference in the air pressure on both sides of the eardrums and it results in a feeling of pressure and ultimately ear blockage takes place. Scientific reason for ear blockage at high altitude [...]

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Chlorinated Water and Hair: Chlorinated Water Side Effects on Hair


All of us always use shower water to cleanse our hair. However, sometimes this shower water i.e. chlorinated water wreaks havoc on our beautiful hair. Shower water that makes us refreshed and even relaxed; it can also shower us with chlorine. If there is chlorine in the water then that is the main reason for [...]

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Why do Women Cry More Than Men?


It is believed that women are the cry babies. If this is true then why is it like that? Crying is common in a boy and a girl when they are kids but after the age of twelve why boys stop crying and why do girls keep the trend of crying even though they grow [...]

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Can Kissing Prevent Tooth Decay?


Kissing is not just a science but indeed far more than it. As we know that any two people cannot be exactly same likewise two kisses can never be the same. There are different types of kisses such as: kissing your dad or maybe your grandma shows affection; while kissing the hands of a king [...]

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