Archive for the ‘General Health’ Category

Generic Requip Ropinirole HCL Treats Restless Leg Syndromes


Restless leg syndrome is a condition in which the patient suffers from severe pain in the legs. The pain starts typically during periods of inactivity or rest. It is relieved on moving the legs. This disorder is also called shaking leg syndrome as the patients have a constant desire to move their legs to get [...]

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Lasix and Hypertension


Hypertension is a disorder causing elevated levels of blood pressure. Hypertension is called a silent killer because patients suffering from it do not exhibit any obvious symptoms. This condition is usually detected after several years when the persistently high level of blood pressure has already caused lot of damage to the vital organs. If the [...]

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Depression and Seroquel


Depression can be described as feeling unhappy, sad and miserable or totally down in spirit. Depression causes loss of hope and the person suffering from depression gradually turns pessimistic, if it’s not treated in time. A patient of depression feels low and doesn’t get any pleasure from doing activities that he/she otherwise enjoys. Depression in [...]

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Top 5 Depression Medications


The prevalence of depression is rising across the world due to reasons such as a stressful professional life, lack of work-life balance and academic pressure. The symptoms of depression include lack of interest in daily life, suicidal attempts, reduced hunger, sleeplessness, and altered behavior and mood disturbances. Patients may also exhibit unexplained weight gain or [...]

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Herbs For Varicose Veins


Varicose veins are enlarged veins that are usually bluish purple in color. Normally, small, one-way valves within the veins ensure that the blood only flows towards the heart. However, in some people, these valves weaken and blood collects in the veins and causes them to enlarge. Varicose veins are most commonly seen on the legs, [...]

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Brooke Shields: Postpartum Depression Symptoms, Treatment and Medicines


Everyone thought that Brooke shields must be basking in the glory of motherhood and singing lullabies in her mesmerizing voice for her new born kid. But all was not well for her. She was often seen staring out of the widow of her house with a blank look on her face. She suffered from postpartum [...]

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Top 5 Pain Medicines


Pain medications are available to treat mild as well as severe pain. Pain medications include over-the-counter drugs as well as medication available only on prescription. Prescription drugs are the strongest painkillers. They are normally used to treat chronic pain. Prescription pain medications can help reduce the pain and its incapacitating effects, depending on the type [...]

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Top 5 Cough Medicines


Coughing is amongst the most recognizable symptoms of illness. Frequent coughing irritates the throat and makes the rib area sore. When you go to the local drugstore, you will find many over-the-counter cough syrups intended for dry and also productive coughs. However, most often it becomes difficult to choose which cough medicine is best for [...]

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How to Lose Weight with Ayurveda?


Have you been a victim of those luring weight loss medications that brag of being ‘the best weight loss’ medications? If your answer to my query is ‘yes’, I can imagine the frustration and mental toil that you must have gone through.  There is a plethora of medications that claim to be the ‘best’; however [...]

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Ayurveda and Weight Loss


Ayurveda is a very ancient mode of therapy, which originated in India, several centuries ago. The word, ‘Ayurveda’, denotes a science or knowledge of life. According to this “pathy” the health of a person depends upon the collective or overall wellbeing of the person including his body, soul and mind. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from [...]

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