Herbs for Menstruation


Menstruation is the monthly discharge of blood as well as cellular debris from the vagina. It accompanies the periodic shedding of the uterus lining in non pregnant women. Women experience menstruation differently. In some it is painless and predictable, while for others it causes extreme discomfort. Some women lose little blood, whereas others lose enough to cause anemia, fatigue and dizziness. A painless and trouble free menstrual cycle depends on proper functioning of the endocrine glands. A healthy lifestyle and diet can help deal with menstrual problems. However, if the menstrual problems persist, using certain Women Herbal Medicines for menstruation can provide relief to suffering women.

Specific herbs are used for treating different menstrual problems.

For instance, the following menstrual irregularities can be treated by using the following herbs:

Heavy periods: Herbs like nettles, yarrow, and shepherd’s purse help lessen heavy bleeding by directing the blood flow away from the pelvis.

Menstrual cramps: Herbs like cramp bark and false unicorn root can help lessen the cramps associated with PMS. Red raspberry is another herb which provides relief during menstrual cramps.

Irregular periods: Women who suffer from irregular periods benefit from herbs such as blue cohosh, jatamansi, skullcap and ginger to help regulate their menstruation cycle.

Other Herbs for Menstruation:

Aloe vera: This herb is known to be an excellent stimulant of the uterus. Aloe vera is often administered for women experiencing painful menstruation.

Valerian: Valerian is used to stimulate the menstrual blood flow.

Asafetida: Asafetida herb increases the secretion of progesterone and facilitates smooth menstruation.

Ashwagandha: Ashwagandha herb can be used to reduce heavy flow during menstruation.

Liquorice: Liquorice is another herb which is useful for reducing heavy flow during menstruation.

Chamomile: Chamomile is a popular herb which is used to help relieve menstrual cramps. Drinking chamomile tea is a great relaxant for menstrual cramps.

Ginger Root: This herb is widely used to soothe menstrual cramps. Women can prepare a tea using ginger and drink it to help alleviate the pain as well as the inflammation caused due to menstrual cramps.

Calendula: This herb has potent astringent properties which help in controlling excessive bleeding caused during a heavy period. It also helps in reducing congestion in the uterus and consequently helps to reduce heavy pain caused due to menstrual cramps.

Mint: Mint helps calm the inflamed muscles and numb the pain caused due to inflammation. This proves beneficial in the case of menstrual cramps. Women can prepare a tea using mint and drink it for some much-needed relief.

Blue Cohosh: Blue cohosh contains contracting and relaxing properties that help to ease the pain caused during menstruation.

Black Cohosh: This is another herb which is used to get relief from menstrual cramps. You need to boil the roots in water and drink it twice a day to get relief.

There are plenty of other herbs that women can use to help lower the pain and discomfort caused during menstruation. However, it is advisable to consult an Ayurvedic doctor before using any of the herbs mentioned in the article.

Although these herbs have proven beneficial for treating menstrual problems, some allopathic medications like Evecare Capsules can also prove helpful. Evecare helps to regularize the menstrual cycle due to its uterine stimulant action. Evecare Herbal Capsules helps regularize the endogenous hormonal secretions, enhances the repair of the endometrium and helps in controlling abnormal uterine bleeding. Evecare’s antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory actions have a healing effect on the uterus and help alleviate pain. It is advisable to consult a doctor before using this medicine and herbs mentioned above.

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One Response to “Herbs for Menstruation”

  1. Jenny Welsh says:

    Being a woman I understand how discomforting a menstrual cycle can be. I have found great relief with Evecare capsules. I have never used any herbal remedies for my problem, but I would definitely want to try some of these herbs and hope that they prove effective.


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