Treat Stomach Ulcers with Misoprostol


Stomach ulcer or peptic ulcer is a term which is used to refer to ulcers of the stomach, esophagus and duodenum. Ulcers are sores, abrasions or lesions, caused due to the erosion of the mucosal lining. Stomach ulcers can develop on the walls of the stomach, the lower part of the esophagus or the duodenum. While stomach ulcers are termed gastric ulcers, ulcers of the esophagus and duodenum are called esophageal and duodenal ulcers respectively.

Stomach Ulcers Symptoms:

Abdominal pain is amongst the most common symptoms of stomach ulcers. The pain is often sharp, and burning as well as gnawing in nature. This pain, which is called episodic epigastric pain, can occur anywhere between the navel and the lower part of the breast bone. In some patients, this pain might last for a few hours, while others might experience pain for only a few minutes. In the case of gastric ulcers, the pain turns worse with consumption of food, while the pain caused due to duodenal ulcers develops when the stomach is empty. Sometimes, the pain might disappear for a few days or perhaps weeks, but returns later.

Sometimes, due to the perforation of the stomach, duodenal wall or esophagus by ulcers, the condition can result in peritonitis or inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach and requires urgent medical attention.

Other symptoms of stomach ulcers include indigestion, heartburn, burping, constant discomfort in the stomach, nausea, abdominal bloating, vomiting, etc. Symptoms of severe peptic ulcers include frequent sharp pain in the stomach, anemia, bloody stools, blood in vomit, light-headedness, etc.

Causes for Stomach Ulcers:

There are several factors that can lead to stomach ulcers. These factors include stress, smoking, spicy food, frequent use of some medications like, NSAIDs, helicobacter pylori infection, excessive alcohol consumption, etc. Research states that bacterial infections or prolonged use of certain medications are amongst the most common causes for stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcers can also develop when the inner lining of the stomach is damaged due to acid imbalance.

Stomach ulcers can be caused due to bacteria known as Helicobacter pylori. The bacterium enters the body through contaminated food or water. Earlier, it was thought that ulcers are only caused due to factors like; stress, spicy food, use of certain medications, smoking, etc. However, recent studies have revealed that more than 80% of stomach ulcers are caused due to helicobacter pylori infections and the remaining 20% are caused due to the other factors mentioned above. However, you can treat stomach ulcers with Misoprostol, a Gastro Health medication that has proven very effective in treating the condition.

The type of medication for stomach ulcers depends upon the cause of the ulcer. For instance, depending on whether the ulcers are caused due to the Helicobacter pylori bacteria or are due to a rise in the acid levels in the stomach, different medications will be required. Earlier, surgery was the only method used for treating stomach ulcers. However, these days surgery is only used in severe cases.

Generic Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin, which is used to effectively prevent and also treat peptic ulcers, gastric ulcers; for prophylaxis of NSAIDs induced ulcers and ulcers caused due to certain medications. Misoprostol has a cytoprotective as well as anti-secretory effect upon the mucosal lining of the stomach which makes it an extremely effective medication for the prevention as well as treatment of stomach ulcers. It is commonly prescribed for patients who need to use NSAIDs for long durations because the risk of peptic ulcers is very high amongst patients using NSAIDs. Misoprostol also helps to heal ulcers that have worsened due to excessive alcohol and smoking. However, it is recommended that you consult a doctor before deciding to treat stomach ulcers with Misoprostol.


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