Posts Tagged ‘health’

Martina Navratilova: Breast Cancer Success Story


When the news of Martina Navratilova suffering from breast cancer was broken, it shocked everyone and all her fans expressed their concern for this tennis star. She herself admitted that she was broken down emotionally when she first came to know about the disease. However, she kept up a brave front and decided to fight [...]

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Spinach Benefits for Men: Was Popeye’s Story True or False?


Popeye was strong because he was getting high nutrition values from spinach. Spinach is full of vitamins and minerals which are required for a man to be healthy and strong. Spinach has many benefits for men to build their body fit and fine. Strong bones: Spinach has properties to prevent osteoporosis because it contains plenty [...]

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Jugular Vein Thrombosis: Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment


Thrombosis of the jugular vein can occur either in the internal jugular vein or in the external jugular vein. Actually, a clot found in the internal jugular vein is more caused by thrombosis of other veins, or by neck vein line insertion (catheterization). This condition can lead to many complications like systemic sepsis, superior vena [...]

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Parasites – How they Enter Our Body And Ten General Precautions To Avoid Infection


There are various kinds of parasites that infect living beings. Parasites are living beings that need other living beings (hosts) for their survival. They take nutrition from the host and cannot complete their entire life cycle without the host’s help. Many of these parasites can cause severe diseases in humans. There are a large amount [...]

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Grandma’s Home Remedies for Corns, Boils and Fever Blisters


In this article we are going to discuss about corns, boils and fever blister and home remedies for each of them. First of all let us see corns. Home remedies for corns: A corn is thickened skin which causes irritation and pain. Corns mainly appear on the feet and sometimes also on fingers. You can [...]

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Ear Blockages at High Altitudes: Why do Our Ears Get Blocked at High Altitudes?


Definition of ear blockage at high altitude When altitude changes the air pressure outside your body also changes. So this makes a difference in the air pressure on both sides of the eardrums and it results in a feeling of pressure and ultimately ear blockage takes place. Scientific reason for ear blockage at high altitude [...]

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Mental Health Problems in Men


Mental health problems in men have not been given the importance and attention that they have been silently appealing for. Though, men and women both have mental health problems, the health awareness and research has focused mostly on women. The reason for this women-oriented approach could be because women are more vocal and outspoken about [...]

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Weak Heart Muscles: Causes and Symptoms


There is no need to mention that the heart is one of the most important parts of our body. When this heart is weak it leads to heart failure. Weak heart means weak heart muscles and that is referred to by the medical term – Cardiomyopathy. In this condition the heart is unable to circulate [...]

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Stress Buster Tips: Women and Daily Stress


Life is full of ups and downs. Especially for women it is very tough to manage the home and career together. While racing in both races you obviously get stressed. Never let stress overcome your happiness. Do not become panicky or get crazy over whatever your life brings to you. Each situation has some solution [...]

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Vegan Diet Weight Loss Plans


The vegan diet is a vegetarian diet in which no animal products are included such as: dairy products, gelatin etc. Try the following things in your diet and see the difference in your weight. • Choose to have variety in your diet: Make sure that you eat a variety of foods in your diet so [...]

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