Depression – Symptoms, Treatment and Tips to Control Depression


Depression is something which may impact your social, emotional, mental and personal life. It is important that you take care of yourself, just by following some easy guidelines as given below.

Depression is a state of mind in which you are left with no interest in life itself. You start feeling that everything is a waste and is unnecessary. In such a state of mind you are surrounded with negative thoughts only. You start feeling that you yourself are the most horrible person. You don’t find anything good in yourself. You get bewildered and lose the desire to live. You find no purpose in being alive.

We should pray that such conditions should not affect even our most hated enemy.

If you want to save yourself from this horrible condition and want to take control of your own life, you can try the following tips to help yourself.

•    Special Physical care :

You must take care of your physical health. Do regular exercise, take a healthy diet and avoid drinks containing alcohol. Take ample water and rest. Statistics show that less people are affected by depression, of those who regularly exercise.

•    Invite positive thoughts:

Our mind is full of thoughts; some good and some bad. If we overcome the negative thoughts and support the positive thoughts we can control our feelings and thoughts and hence become able to keep depression away. Your thoughts are led by your beliefs, your emotions are led by your thoughts and eventually your actions are led by your emotions. You need to believe in yourself and accept the truth whatever it may be. This will help you to have positive thoughts.

•    Keep watch on your thoughts:

There is a saying ‘garbage in; garbage out’. If you keep putting garbage in your mind what can you expect to come out?  We must read, or watch on TV, only what is good and uplifting, so that our thought processing will be positive. Meditation could be also be a wonderful alternative.

•    Enjoy your life:

If you look at life in a wonderful way, you will surely enjoy it. Do not let it be wasted in depression. Save your life from depression and enjoy each moment of your life with the fullest energy. Do not let any chance failure or mishap take all the laughter and joy from your life. Things are not always as we expect them. We need to accept the truth with a broad mind.  If we narrow our mind it is going to trouble not only us but also the people around us. So be certain to enjoy your life, together with the sorrows that may enter it.

Being only human, it may be hard to accept all unpleasant truths so easily, but you need to be strong enough to overcome the many unexpected things that may happen to you – at least after a span of time. With these tips you can at least make a start on making your mind strong and positive. Positive thinking can be the greatest blessing for depressed people. So believe in yourself, keep yourself busy doing something good and keep thinking positive. And thus you can say ‘bye’ to depression. Take care of yourself.

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2 Responses to “Depression – Symptoms, Treatment and Tips to Control Depression”

  1. Sherri S says:

    It is really hard to live in such a state of mind. I will give it a try – I will follow these tips to keep myself away from depression.

  2. Jag says:

    Very rarely I find myself depressed; I’ll surely take care to think positive when I am in such a condition.


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