Posts Tagged ‘lifestyle’

Dream Interpretation Dictionary: A-Z Dream Interpretation


Dream interpretation is defined as a tool to analyze a person’s mental state by learning in depth about the person’s dreams. It is believed that dream interpretation gives an insight into a person’s unconscious psychic state. Let’s read what some of your dreams mean, in alphabetical order. Meanings of some dreams Apology This dream speaks [...]

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Kitchen Tips for Weight Loss


Life is full of variety and so is our food. Losing weight does not mean that you need to eat only the same boring food. If you apply these tips in your recipes you can make your food delicious yet less fatty. Try out some of these tips to make your food healthier. Get some [...]

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Ear Blockages at High Altitudes: Why do Our Ears Get Blocked at High Altitudes?


Definition of ear blockage at high altitude When altitude changes the air pressure outside your body also changes. So this makes a difference in the air pressure on both sides of the eardrums and it results in a feeling of pressure and ultimately ear blockage takes place. Scientific reason for ear blockage at high altitude [...]

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Chlorinated Water and Hair: Chlorinated Water Side Effects on Hair


All of us always use shower water to cleanse our hair. However, sometimes this shower water i.e. chlorinated water wreaks havoc on our beautiful hair. Shower water that makes us refreshed and even relaxed; it can also shower us with chlorine. If there is chlorine in the water then that is the main reason for [...]

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Why do Women Cry More Than Men?


It is believed that women are the cry babies. If this is true then why is it like that? Crying is common in a boy and a girl when they are kids but after the age of twelve why boys stop crying and why do girls keep the trend of crying even though they grow [...]

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Simple health tips for weight loss


Do not let your weight harm your health – Simple health tips for weight loss In today’s hectic world people are getting more attracted to junk food and fast food. For the time being you may enjoy it but in the long term if you keep eating the same type of unhealthy food then it [...]

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