Depression and Seroquel


Depression can be described as feeling unhappy, sad and miserable or totally down in spirit. Depression causes loss of hope and the person suffering from depression gradually turns pessimistic, if it’s not treated in time. A patient of depression feels low and doesn’t get any pleasure from doing activities that he/she otherwise enjoys.

Depression in some cases may take years to develop, whereas in others, it may show up in a couple of days as well. Depression is classified into 3 types such as melancholic, non-melancholic and psychotic depression.

Melancholic depression is an ideal type of biological depression characterized with difficulty and lack of pleasure in cheering oneself up. Another defining characteristic of melancholic depression is psychomotor disturbance.

Non-melancholic Depression is primarily not biological. It’s mainly associated with psychological reasons and is seen in people whose lives are full of stressful events. It may also be a cause of an individual’s personality style.

Psychotic Depression

Psychotic depression is a less observed type as compared to melancholic or non-melancholic depression. The characteristic features include much higher extent of depressed mood and psychomotor disturbance in comparison with melancholic and non-melancholic depression. Psychotic depression is marked with psychotic signs such as hallucinations or delusions as the most common and unnecessary cogitations of guilt.

Symptoms of Depression

  • Modifications in sleep patterns, also called insomnia
  • Lowered ability to experience happiness or pleasure and sudden disinterest in hobbies
  • Decreased capacity to tolerate pain
  • Sudden decline in sex drive
  • Changes in weight and appetite
  • Reduced self-esteem
  • Loss of motivation to do anything or to take any efforts

Depression, if not treated in time can lead to a severe problem. It therefore becomes necessary for you to get yourselves assessed if you see a combination of the signs shared above. Seroquel, the best drug to treat depression, can save you from further complications, if you take it upon spotting early signs. Just ensure that you commence the depression treatment under a doctor’s supervision.

Seroquel belongs to a category of medications known as atypical antipsychotics. It contains an active ingredient termed as quetiapine, which works by affecting the actions of dopamine and serotonin in the brain. Seroquel restores the neurotransmitters balance, thereby effectively treating depression. Seroquel is widely prescribed in conjunction with other anti-depressants for the treatment of major depressive disorder. In addition to treating depression, Seroquel is very effective in curing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (manic depression) in adults.

The most important thing you should note that a person should never take this drug in larger doses or for longer than prescribed, since it may result in severe side effects. If you precisely follow the guidelines given by your health-care-provider, Seroquel will treat depression quite effectively and in a safe manner. You may take this drug with or without food, however take it with a glass full of water. Do not chew, crush or break an extended-release tablet. You should swallow the whole pill. Breaking or crushing may cause too much of this drug to be released in your body in a single moment. Remember, Seroquel may interrupt with drug screening. If you give a urine sample for drug test whilst you are using Seroquel, the results may be positive. You should therefore inform the laboratory staff if you’re using Seroquel.

Before you Buy Seroquel for depression treatment from online pharmacy, you must tell your doctor in case you suffer from any conditions such as epilepsy or seizures, thyroid problem, history of low WBC (White Blood Cells) count, kidney or liver disease, heart rhythm problems, high blood pressure or heart disease.


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