Archive for May, 2011

Why do Women Cry More Than Men?


It is believed that women are the cry babies. If this is true then why is it like that? Crying is common in a boy and a girl when they are kids but after the age of twelve why boys stop crying and why do girls keep the trend of crying even though they grow [...]

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The Process of Sperm Donation


Now women do not need to sacrifice their dream to become mothers even if their husband has some problem. Women still can become pregnant and ultimately mothers with the help of donated sperm.  Sperm donation has become a blessing for those families in which children have brought meaning to their parents’ life. Sperm donation is [...]

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Posture Correction Exercises for Men and Women


First of all I would like to let you know the importance of posture exercises. If our body is aligned in the wrong way it consumes more energy and results in fatigue and weakness. Improper posture also leads to many complications like: varicose veins, or pain in joints and muscles. Because of poor blood circulation [...]

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Can Kissing Prevent Tooth Decay?


Kissing is not just a science but indeed far more than it. As we know that any two people cannot be exactly same likewise two kisses can never be the same. There are different types of kisses such as: kissing your dad or maybe your grandma shows affection; while kissing the hands of a king [...]

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Hypertension Prevention Tips – Do Not Let Hypertension Affect Your Heart


In today’s hectic and dynamic world we have no time to even think about our heart. How can we survive without the heart? We need to take special efforts and care to make our heart strong so that we would be able to see this beautiful world for a longer time. If you want to [...]

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More Tips To Prevent Depression


When you are suffering from depression you are physically not well and you face many physical problems such as: appetite problem, you cannot sleep, you do not have energy to work and nothing can motivate you to be cheerful. Your sexual life is also disturbed. Emotionally you are always in a sad mood, you weep [...]

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Osteoarthritis: A Disorder of the Joints – its Causes and Treatment


is a problem whereby the cartilage of one more joints under performs and ultimately gives way, leaving a void between two joints. Normally, joints function smoothly because there is a cushion between them in the form of the cartilage, which supports the pressure of movement of the joints. When this important part of the joint [...]

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Depression – Symptoms, Treatment and Tips to Control Depression


Depression is something which may impact your social, emotional, mental and personal life. It is important that you take care of yourself, just by following some easy guidelines as given below. Depression is a state of mind in which you are left with no interest in life itself. You start feeling that everything is a [...]

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Just open your kitchen cupboard and you will more remedies than you would in your medicine cabinet! Here are some herbs and spices which will help you prevent and treat almost all common illnesses. BASIL: A basil tea is excellent for lowering one’s blood sugar levels and one’s blood pressure also. It will also relieve [...]

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Sugar is Bitter Poison Once you Get Afflicted with Diabetes


Things You Should Know About Diabetes Diabetes is a condition where the sugar levels in the blood increases beyond acceptable limits due to various factors. Presence of sugar in the blood is very important for the bodily functions as sugar is one of the prime sources of energy and fuel for the body. That’s why [...]

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