Archive for the ‘Diseases And Conditions’ Category

Herbs for Urinary Incontinence


Urinary incontinence can be caused due to several factors such as obesity, repeated urinary tract infections and weak or stretched pelvic muscles. Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary urination or loss of control over urination. A person suffering from urinary incontinence is unable to hold urine in the urinary bladder due to the loss of [...]

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Michael Phelps : ADHD and Autism


Back in the summer of 2008, people across the globe had focused their attention on Michael Phelps, the then 23 year old swimmer, who wore the crown of 8 gold medals in swimming. Michael set a whopping 7 world swimming records in Olympics that year. However, few are aware that Michael suffered from ADHD during [...]

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Soriatane For Psoriasis and Vitamin Deficiency


Psoriasis is a common skin condition that is characterized by patches or lesions mostly on the skin areas prone to pressure like knees, elbows, and near the belt buckle and bra line. Psoriasis affects a large part of the epidermis, which becomes scaly and sheds continuously. It usually disappears spontaneously in summer only to reappear [...]

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Hemorrhoid Treatment Using Xylocaine


The most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are rectal pain, itching and bleeding after bowel movement. Internal hemorrhoids are usually swollen but small veins in the anal canal walls, however sometimes they can grow to be large veins that fall and project out of the anus. This causes excruciating pain in case blood supply gets [...]

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Effects of Biological Weapons on People


Biological weapons are lethal materials, which are derived from pathogenic organisms, or substances that are artificially manufactured with the intention of using them to incapacitate and interfere with the biological processes against whom they are being used. These chemicals either kill or debilitate the opponent. Biological weapons may be deployed to target living organisms such [...]

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Home Remedies for Acidity and Heartburn


Normally the stomach acids and digestive juices, which are very important for the digestive process, remain in the stomach or digestive system where they perform the vital function of digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients from it. These juices are prevented from coming back into the esophagus by a valve which is situated at [...]

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Jugular Vein Thrombosis: Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment


Thrombosis of the jugular vein can occur either in the internal jugular vein or in the external jugular vein. Actually, a clot found in the internal jugular vein is more caused by thrombosis of other veins, or by neck vein line insertion (catheterization). This condition can lead to many complications like systemic sepsis, superior vena [...]

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Parasites – How they Enter Our Body And Ten General Precautions To Avoid Infection


There are various kinds of parasites that infect living beings. Parasites are living beings that need other living beings (hosts) for their survival. They take nutrition from the host and cannot complete their entire life cycle without the host’s help. Many of these parasites can cause severe diseases in humans. There are a large amount [...]

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Grandma’s Home Remedies for Corns, Boils and Fever Blisters


In this article we are going to discuss about corns, boils and fever blister and home remedies for each of them. First of all let us see corns. Home remedies for corns: A corn is thickened skin which causes irritation and pain. Corns mainly appear on the feet and sometimes also on fingers. You can [...]

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Weak Heart Muscles: Causes and Symptoms


There is no need to mention that the heart is one of the most important parts of our body. When this heart is weak it leads to heart failure. Weak heart means weak heart muscles and that is referred to by the medical term – Cardiomyopathy. In this condition the heart is unable to circulate [...]

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