Archive for the ‘Mens Health’ Category

Scents that Attract Women: Irresistible Scents that Turn Women On


Perfume triggers bodily attraction simply by spreading pleasant fragrances. Most of these are generally mood boosters that divert you while you are relaxing or may be when you are spending a beautiful evening with your sweetheart. Men have been finding for years the finest and most effective strategies to attract women and now their search [...]

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Spinach Benefits for Men: Was Popeye’s Story True or False?


Popeye was strong because he was getting high nutrition values from spinach. Spinach is full of vitamins and minerals which are required for a man to be healthy and strong. Spinach has many benefits for men to build their body fit and fine. Strong bones: Spinach has properties to prevent osteoporosis because it contains plenty [...]

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Foods For Healthy Sperm


Everything in the world is moving at a very fast pace. Every second is to be accounted for as things are getting more and more commercialized. In trying to keep up with this hectic pace we inevitably neglect our health. There are many health issues we encounter on a daily basis but they are ignored [...]

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Mental Health Problems in Men


Mental health problems in men have not been given the importance and attention that they have been silently appealing for. Though, men and women both have mental health problems, the health awareness and research has focused mostly on women. The reason for this women-oriented approach could be because women are more vocal and outspoken about [...]

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The Process of Sperm Donation


Now women do not need to sacrifice their dream to become mothers even if their husband has some problem. Women still can become pregnant and ultimately mothers with the help of donated sperm.  Sperm donation has become a blessing for those families in which children have brought meaning to their parents’ life. Sperm donation is [...]

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Healthy Sperm Count and Male Fertility Tests


The natural way to maintain a healthy sperm count is by doing regular physical exercise, having a healthy diet consisting of loads of fruits and vegetables and having your daily dose of multivitamins. A normal and healthy sperm count is very important for couples that are trying to become parents. The normal color of semen [...]

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