Top 5 Cough Medicines


Coughing is amongst the most recognizable symptoms of illness. Frequent coughing irritates the throat and makes the rib area sore. When you go to the local drugstore, you will find many over-the-counter cough syrups intended for dry and also productive coughs. However, most often it becomes difficult to choose which cough medicine is best for you. Well, the first question is to identify the nature of the cough you have. In case you have a dry cough, you will need a suppressant in order to stop the urge to cough. If there is a lot of congestion, you will need an expectorant in order to loosen the phlegm. Before we discuss the top 5 cough medicines, let’s first discuss the causes that lead to a cough.

A cough is triggered due to several different reasons. Sometimes, it is caused due to environmental irritants and sometimes it could a symptom of an underlying health issue. Some of the common causes for a cough are mentioned below.

Common Cold: This is amongst the most prevalent causes behind a cough. Here the common cold virus attacks the upper area of the respiratory tract and results in an inflammation.

Asthma: In this, the air passage becomes inflamed and irritated. Patients suffering from asthma tend to get persistent coughs, seasonally. A cough is also triggered after an upper respiratory infection or perhaps exposure to environmental irritants.

Pneumonia: Pneumonia causes lung inflammation and leads to widening of the bronchial tubes. As a result of this, the bronchial tubes are unable to clear up the mucus from the lungs and this induces coughing, accompanied by blood and discolored sputum.

Tuberculosis: Tuberculosis is an extremely contagious bacterial infection which affects the lungs. A key symptom of this bacterial attack is persistent cough. Patients often spit bloody mucus while coughing.


Top 5 Cough Medicines:
Expectorant medicines: In case you feel congested, the best cough medicines are expectorants. These medicines break up the phlegm as well as ease the coughing. Expectorant cough syrups for adults and children are easily available over-the-counter.

Suppressing the cough: In case of a hacking cough, suppressants are the best option. However, some cough remedies are known to cause drowsiness. Therefore it is important to check the label or consult the doctor or pharmacist for a non-drowsy formula.

Antacids for coughing: It might sound odd to take an antacid for a cough. However, if you have no congestion or post nasal drip and also suffer from occasional heartburn, it could be due to acid reflux. GERD can lead to coughing especially while sleeping or lying down. Over-the-counter medicines such as Prilosec and Prevacid are known to be effective medicines to treat this problem. These medicines control the acid in the stomach so that the food does not “reflux” up the esophagus and cause coughing.

Prescription codeine treatment: In case the healthcare professional prescribes a cough medicine, there are chances that it will have codeine as one of the ingredients. Codeine is one of the best cough medicines available to control nasty coughs. However, codeine is known to cause drowsiness, but works much better then usual over-the-counter medications for coughs.

Asthma medications: One of the main causes for a cough can stem from asthma. Therefore, if you have had a history of this disease or experience some of the symptoms, the healthcare professional can make the diagnosis. In this situation, asthma inhalers are the best cough medicines that one can use, to control the hacking.


Before you decide to buy any cough medication, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional to ensure that you do not experience any side effects.

Herbs for Urinary Incontinence


herbs for urinary incontinenceUrinary incontinence can be caused due to several factors such as obesity, repeated urinary tract infections and weak or stretched pelvic muscles. Urinary incontinence is defined as involuntary urination or loss of control over urination. A person suffering from urinary incontinence is unable to hold urine in the urinary bladder due to the loss of control over the urinary sphincter. The main symptom of urinary incontinence is the leakage of urine when a person doesn’t want it to. There are various types of urinary incontinence such as overflow incontinence, urge incontinence, stress incontinence, gross total incontinence, functional incontinence and mixed incontinence. Urinary incontinence is associated with risk factors such as smoking, obesity, old age, gender and a few other related conditions. There are certain drugs available for the treatment of this condition; however there may be some side effects of these drugs as well. Herbs act as an elixir not only for this condition but also for a variety of other problems with minimal or no side effects. Listed below are few herbs that quickly and effectively treat urinary incontinence. You are suggested to discuss with the doctor regarding administration and regimes to be followed whist using these.

Green Tea (Camellia sinensis)

  • Effectively relieves symptoms of urinary incontinence.
  • Safe for most people, however people suffering from high blood pressure or heart condition should consult the doctor before using it.

Saw Palmetto (Serenoa repens)

  • One of the best herbs to cure urinary incontinence related to prostate conditions such as prostatitis, prostate cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Inform the doctor if you are using anticoagulants while taking this herb.

ST. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)

  • This herb treats the symptoms of urinary incontinence by preventing bladder contractibility.
  • It acts as the best remedy for urinary incontinence caused due to emotional disturbance.

Usnea (Usnea barbata)

  • Usnea has natural antiseptic properties and gives soothing effect on tissues.
  • It also safely treats pain, fever and inflammation in addition to curing urinary incontinence.

Buchu (Agathosma betulina)

  • Buchu is useful in treating genito-urinary infections such as cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis and dysuria.
  • It has diuretic and perspiration encouraging properties.
  • It is one of the best antiseptics and is used to cure irritable bladder as well.

Horsetail (Equisetum arvense)

  • Horsetail has sedative and anticonvulsant properties. It is the most preferred diuretic.
  • It removes bacteria in the bladder effectively and maintains natural levels of electrolytes in the body.

Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens)

  • Devil’s claw is highly potent against several disorders of gall bladder and pancreas.
  • This herb assists in strengthening the bladder so that it can hold urine until the right time to empty it.

Herbs cited above are safe and do not have any potential for addiction. You can ask the doctor for the precautionary measures to be taken during herbal treatments. There is a medication that is as equally effective as herbs. It has been tested for side effects and approved for the treatment of urinary incontinence.


Effective Medication for Curing Urinary Incontinence



Generic Urispas acts as an antispasmodic medication and is used widely to treat urinary infections such as urinary incontinence, suprapubic pain, nocturia, urgency and dysuria. Generic Urispas is a muscarinic antagonist that produces relaxing effect on muscles of the urinary tract. The anticholinergic-parasympatholytic properties of this medication help to reduce smooth muscle tonus in bladder, which aids for lowering urge intensity, incontinence episodes and increases retention capacity. This medication can safely yet effectively treat urinary incontinence, provided you take it under the doctor’s supervision.

How to Lose Weight with Ayurveda?


Have you been a victim of those luring weight loss medications that brag of being ‘the best weight loss’ medications? If your answer to my query is ‘yes’, I can imagine the frustration and mental toil that you must have gone through.  There is a plethora of medications that claim to be the ‘best’; however in reality are ‘the worst’ as far as side effects are concerned. Amongst thousands of these medicines, only a few are safe and effective. I would advice, don’t fall prey to these deceiving medications anymore. We are going to cast a quick glance at how you can achieve your goal of weight loss with Ayurveda.

Ayurveda is termed as ‘science of life’ or ‘vedic science’ that was incepted in India thousands of years ago. “Ayu’ implies ‘life’ and ‘veda’ implies ‘wisdom’. The word Ayurveda literally means how to live in a healthy way or how to achieve a perfect state of health – physical as well as mental. Among myriad of health benefits that Ayurveda offers, we are going to read about weight loss, one of the most important health benefit of Ayurveda. How to lose weight with Ayurveda? Let’s read about what Ayurveda has to offer for weight loss.

Ayurveda Techniques for Weight Loss

Charak Samhita from Ayurveda describes eight different disease prone body types out of which obese body type is classified as the type which is troubled the most with various problems associated with diabetes, arthritis, gall bladder problems, kidney troubles, blood pressure and heart problems to name a few. Here are some quick suggestions on your eating habits to keep obesity at bay:

  • Increase the quantity of low calorie foods, vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid dairy products like cheese, butter, non-vegetarian food products and potato and rice since these are enriched in fat.
  • Mint is very effective for weight loss. Mint or mint tea with foods effectively helps. At the same time, decrease salt intake, since it adds to the risk of obesity.
  • Drink carrot juice. It quickly boosts weight loss.
  • Include vegetables like bitter drum sticks, bottle gourd and spices like black pepper, cinnamon, dry ginger and honey in your foods.

If you feel that your obesity is just a little too much, you need to take ayurvedic medications, which will promote weight loss quickly and effectively. In addition to these medications, as explained above, try to incorporate healthy foods in your eating habits and exercise daily.

Ayurslim for Weight Loss

Ayurslim is a miracle and a safe medicine that uses essential nutrients in optimum quantities and reduces the craving for food. It sparks a reduction in accumulation of fats by slowing down fatty acids synthesis. Ayurslim capsules contain herbs like fenugreek, haritaki, garcinia, gymnema and guggul. Fenugreek boosts the maintenance of healthy blood glucose levels and delays glucose absorption whereas haritaki maintains normal cholesterol levels. Gymnema controls the process of sugar metabolism and lessens cravings for sweets. Guggulu controls cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It acts as a strong disinfectant and increases WBC count. Garcinia controls the synthesis of fatty acids in liver and muscles, thus controlling lipid production. It reduces the formation of triglycerides, LDL, and synthesis of lipids. It also boosts glycogen synthesis and curbs appetite.

Ayurslim is clinically approved as a safe and effective polyherb capsule that inhibits synthesis of fatty acids and promotes fat burning. If you follow the instructions above, Ayurslim can help you reduce weight effectively and safely. Consult the doctor for using Ayurslim and worry no more about obesity. Say good bye to obesity with Ayurslim!

Ayurveda and Weight Loss


ayurveda ands weight lossAyurveda is a very ancient mode of therapy, which originated in India, several centuries ago. The word, ‘Ayurveda’, denotes a science or knowledge of life. According to this “pathy” the health of a person depends upon the collective or overall wellbeing of the person including his body, soul and mind. Ayurvedic medicines are prepared from several different herbs and spices and are purely organic in nature. Ayurvedic medicines like AyurSlim capsules are very beneficial for weight loss. They help obese patients to lose weight without causing any harmful effects on the general health of the patient. It is known that most weight loss pills like fat burner pills are responsible for causing health hazards in individuals using them. They are known to produce severe side effects. But, Ayurvedic pills for weight loss do not cause any harm to the health of a person and help in weight loss in an efficient manner.
In Ayurveda, it is believed that each person has a different reason for obesity. Also, there are several body types of a person according to this “pathy”. So, the cure of obesity by Ayurvedic medicines depends upon the particular body type of an individual and the reason for obesity. It should be kept in mind that Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss does not mean just popping pills to lose weight; it also encompasses changes in the lifestyle and diet as prescribed in the therapy. A strict watch on the diet and a full stop to the habit of binging on food at frequent intervals is required, to lose weight.

So, Ayurveda and weight loss are interconnected; as a very effective solution to the ever-growing problem of obesity is provided by the Ayurvedic system of medicine.
Patients can also use some simple and easy to use Ayurvedic home remedies for weight loss. The Ayurvedic home remedies for loosing weight are given below:
•    Patients can take 1 teaspoonful of honey with lime water, preferably warm, everyday in the morning. This will help in reducing the sugar and salt intake of the body.
•    Patients can drink ginger tea and hot water throughout the day for losing weight.
ayurslim capsulesApproach to weight loss in Ayurveda:
According to Ayurveda, there are 8 different body types, each one being prone to different types of disorders. Out of that, an obese body type is considered to be the most prone to various health problems. According to Ayurveda, weight gain is a sign of imbalance in vata, kapha and pitta. Hence, treatment of obesity, in the Ayurvedic system, depends upon the holistic approach in treating this imbalance. So, Ayurvedic medicines help in weight loss by giving a holistic solution to the problems and improving the general health of the patients. Patients taking Ayurvedic treatment for weight loss need to follow some guidelines that are given below:

  • They should change their eating habits like reducing the intake of fried food and any food item containing high amounts of carbohydrates.
  • Regular exercise can help these individuals in losing weight quickly.

AyurSlim is a very good Ayurvedic medicine for the treatment of obesity. Patients should take 2 capsules of AyurSlim, 2 times in a day, preferably after meals. It is not known to cause any side effects in people using it. It helps in weight loss by reducing the hunger or cravings for food, which leads to reduced calorie intake. It also helps in optimum utilization of nutrients. It can inhibit the synthesis of fatty acids and reduces the accumulation of fats in the body. Thus, AyurSlim capsules help obese patients in losing weight.

Good Health Websites


caduceus-healthThe Internet has been of great help for patients who want to get health related information. Although there are plenty of websites that provide valuable information about health, some of them are really helpful due to their unique presentation and the availability of the latest data. The top 10 health sites are mentioned in this article as given below:


  • Yahoo! Health: this is a favorite health site and provides information about a vast range of topics like skin care, beauty, mental health, sleep disorders and weight loss. It also provides information about pregnancy and parenting. Men’s health, women’s health and nutrition are also covered on this popular website.
  • NIH: this website belongs to National Institute of Health. It provides well structured information depending upon the system or part of the body involved. It also provides valuable information regarding substance abuse, lifestyle, hair care and sexual health. Some very important topics covered on this website are reproduction, food and nutrition. It also has information about various procedures for the treatment of some disorders along with their symptoms and manifestations.
  • WebMD: this website covers most of the common disorders like allergies, colds, arthritis, asthma, backache, joint pains and heartburn. This site also has information about several mental disorders like ADHD, anxiety disorders, depression and bipolar disorders. Patients can check this website for getting the latest information regarding fitness, teen girls’ health, parenting, etc.
  • this health site has very good information about rare disorders. It gives detailed descriptions of several disorders including their etiology, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. It also has essential information pertaining to the health and care of pets.
  • this site belongs to Mayo Clinic. It is a very good site where patients can find information about latest research in various medical fields.
  • as the name suggests, this popular website gives all the information about the drugs. The description of each drug on this website includes indications, usage instructions, missed dose, overdose and precautions. Pill identifier is a very useful tab on this website that helps patients in knowing the different strengths and forms in which the medicines are available that makes it easier for them to order the medicines.
  • everydayHealth: all health related categories are included on this site. It has a tab for symptom checker in which patients can get probable diagnosis of the conditions depending on the symptoms they are suffering from. This website also has tools for checking BMI to help patients to calculate their Body Mass Index correctly.
  • WrongDiagnosis: this site tells patients about different disorders, their symptoms and the modes of treatment suitable for them. Some very good topics covered on this website are triggers for migraine, long term treatment of schizophrenia, treatment of psoriasis, the latest information on COPD and treatment of aphasia.
  • MedHelp: this website is touted as the world’s largest health community. Information pertaining to ADHD, arthritis, asthma, bipolar disorders, flu, depression, breast cancer, hypercholesterolemia and fibromyalgia can be found on this website. Patients can check this health site for getting information about disorders related to all the systems of the body. It covers most skin, cardiac, gastrointestinal, sexually transmitted and hormonal disorders.
  • HealthGrades: this website can be of great help for patients in finding good hospitals, doctors and other healthcare facilities in their locality.


Apart from this, there are some other very good health sites, which sell some essential drugs like Lipitor and Toprol XL.

Medicare Alternatives in Medical Insurance


It has become imperative for all people to get covered under health insurance plans as the cost of healthcare, like medicines and hospitalization, is rising day by day. Medicare health insurance provides the essential health insurance coverage to the patients. However, there are many patients who are looking for Medicare alternatives as they are not completely satisfied with the coverage provided by it. Some reasons for seeking substitutes for Medicare are given below:

  • The cost of co-pays may be high with Medicare for some patients.
  • The drug coverage provided by Medicare is insufficient for some patients.
  • Some patients are not happy with the response they receive from the service providers of Medicare.

medicare alternatives Patients who are looking for Medicare alternatives can select from the options given below:

One very good alternative for Medicare is Medigap. Patients can get complete health insurance coverage by opting for a Medigap policy. Patients can also opt for a combined policy with Medicare and Medigap that helps them in getting benefits provided by both the policy providers.

Medigap advantage plan: a combined policy of Medicare and Medigap helps patients who are not satisfied with the amount of deductibles and co-pays offered by Medicare. Such patients can choose Medicare part C that covers a broad range of prescription medicines belonging to all major categories. Besides this, they can also get the Medigap policy. This helps patients in covering their healthcare expenses to a great extent. Patients can purchase these Medigap policies from those private insurance companies which have been approved by Medicare. By combining these policies, patients can manage the deductibles and co-pays in a better way.

Medigap option: patients also have a choice of keeping their original Medicare health insurance policy as it is. In addition to that, they can opt for the Medigap policy. This option is highly beneficial for those patients who need extensive coverage for health related costs due to any chronic disorder that necessitates huge ongoing expenditure on costly medicines and hospitalization.

However, patients should know that though the Medigap policy is regulated by Medicare, it is not considered as a government plan. The Government has formulated a standardized approach for Medigap policies. It has 11 different plans that are labeled in different alphabets. The coverage of these policies is different from that of Medicare. Patients can select a plan depending on the coverage of each plan and their requirements. The benefits provided by these plans of Medigap are mentioned below:


  • The coverage of these plans is standardized and it does not change.
  • There is no need for the patients to evaluate the policies every year.
  • The policy ensures the patients of guaranteed renewals. However, it is essential for the patients to pay the premium regularly, for availing this facility.
  • Medigap policies can be highly beneficial for those who suffer from illness that require huge expenditure.
  • Patients have an option of dropping or adding policies at a later period.
  • Medigap policies are accepted by all Medicare providers.


However, a Medigap policy does not cover medicines. Also, patients have to pay a premium for 2 policies if they go for this option. This option is not suitable for those who are fairly healthy as their healthcare costs are not very high. Patients are advised to check the different Medicare alternatives and compare them in terms of their benefits before they select one.

Michael Phelps : ADHD and Autism


Back in the summer of 2008, people across the globe had focused their attention on Michael Phelps, the then 23 year old swimmer, who wore the crown of 8 gold medals in swimming. Michael set a whopping 7 world swimming records in Olympics that year. However, few are aware that Michael suffered from ADHD during his school days, which was really bothersome for his mother Debbie Phelps. As Michael was the youngest of the 3 of Debbie’s kids and the only boy, Debbie thought the lack of focus and the energy levels, etc. were typical character attributes of a boy. However, as the school days went on, the report sheets from his teachers demonstrated a continuous lack of focus. Michael, aged 9 was then diagnosed with (ADHD) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It shows elevated activity and energy levels and lack of concentration as in the case of Michael Phelps. ADHD and autism symptoms are quite similar, hence confusing. It’s important for the doctor to differentiate between the two.

ADHD is believed to affect nearly 4 million adolescents and children in the US. Thanks to his mother’s support, behavior therapy and medication, Michael could channelize his elevated energy levels into swimming and become the youngest male swimmer to hold the record when he was 15. Everyday Health quoted Debbie as saying, “Michael’s thinking was zip zap, let’s move on to the next task. He just couldn’t stay focused.” When Michael’s mother received reports from his teachers that he was not at all staying focused, she guessed it was probably because Michael had learnt few things taught in school earlier, such as learning shapes and that’s why he was getting bored and not concentrating.

However, the same story continued in grade I, II and also III. Michael used to nudge other kids. His teachers had to slow him down. He used to ask too many questions. Michael’s pediatrician suggested testing for ADHD and that’s when Debbie came to know that Michael was diagnosed with ADHD.

Medication and Behavior Modification

Debbie took full charge of the situation with Michael and started stimulants during the week with the doctor’s advice. That helped him concentrate in school. During the breaks Debbie would work with Michael on behavior modification. She let him play sports such as cross country, lacrosse, baseball, swimming, etc. However Debbie used to make sure he finished his homework before participating in sports. Michael’s sisters also chipped in and they used to restrict him from doing some activities to make him aware of the importance of time. This time management later on became Michael’s biggest asset at the pool – kudos to Debbie and Michael’s sisters.

Medication for ADHD

Initially Michael was prescribed ADHD medication once a day – in the morning. Later on, in middle school, the dosage increased to twice a day. He used to hesitate to take medicine during lunch break in school. He wanted to take it no more. Debbie tried explaining him it was helping to stay focused. However, she took Michael to the doctor and his doctor thought of trying to let Michael go to school without medication. Whenever Michael used to come off the medication, his inborn gift helped him spend more energy at the pool. He was just becoming an intense swimmer then.

Parents of ADHD kids should first get expert assistance, just as Debbie did. Medication and behavior therapy give splendid results. Remember! ADHD kids are found to have great passion. Channelize this passion and energy and make the most out of this positive aspect of ADHD kids. God bless!

How to Get Medicines Under Medicare?


Many patients prefer to be covered under part D of Medicare health insurance plan as it helps them in getting their medicines at lower prices. However, most of them are not aware of how to get medicines under the plan they have selected. It should be noted that the medicines that are covered under plan D of Medicare can vary for different plans. But, all the plans contain the medicines required for each major therapeutic category. Hence, patients can be assured of getting the medicines for any illness under their selected plan. Patients can get medicines from all categories, including anticonvulsant, antipsychotic, antiretroviral, antidepressant, anticancer and immunosuppressant medicines, as per part D of Medicare. For getting these medicines, they need to select a plan that accommodates their prescription drugs in the best possible manner. They should also consider the premium they have to pay for these plans, because if they select a plan having a wider range of drugs, naturally they have to pay a higher premium.

The plans also vary depending upon their coverage of generic or branded medicines. Some plans provide coverage of generic medicines and some cover a wide range of branded drugs. If patients want to get branded drugs, they need to pay a higher premium.

Patients can get their drugs under part D of Medicare, depending upon the list of medicines they have selected. However, if their current medical condition does not respond well to these medicines, they have the option of getting other medicines that may be of a higher value. However, for doing this, approval from the physician is needed. If the treating doctor has already tried medicines of a lower cost, or generic medicines, without any satisfactory improvement in patient’s condition and if he feels that the patient needs medicines that are of a higher value, then the Medicare provider can permit the patient to use medicines of a higher cost. Patients can get the medicines prescribed by the doctor only in the quantity specified by him.

Part D of Medicare also contains vaccines. Patients can get commercially available vaccines under this part.

Some patients also have questions regarding how to get medicines under part A and B of Medicare. It is important to mention that part A does not cover medicines prescribed on an outpatient basis. However, drugs that are prescribed to the patient during an inpatient stay are covered by this part. Part B of Medicare also covers a few prescription medicines, to some extent. But, patients have to first pay the deductible amount of the medicine before Medicare pays its share. The medicines covered under part B are those that are administered as a part of physician’s service. Self administered drugs are not covered under this part. Most injections and infusion medicines are covered in Part B.


Part B also covers major vaccinations. Patients can get flu shots and pneumococcal vaccinations under this plan. Apart from this, they can also get hepatitis B vaccines and other vaccines that are needed for treatment of injuries, like the tetanus vaccine, under part B.

Injectable medicines that are used by women for treatment of osteoporosis are also covered under part B. Some other essential medicines that are covered under Medicare part B are antigens, Erythropoiesis-stimulating Agents, Blood Clotting Factors, Immunosuppressive Drugs and Oral Anti-Cancer Drugs.

Coffee Facts: Find Out Why Coffee is Really Healthy For You


There is no real introduction to coffee and the best reference can be made by the fact that half the world really wakes up only after a cup of one. Whether one needs coffee to get started, or whether one needs it to wind down, there is no denying the fact that for several people a cup of coffee is pure ambrosia. My husband happens to be one of them. So I decided to dig up some coffee facts explaining why coffee may be good for you, just so that I don’t feel guilty giving him his two daily coffee mugs. So here are some interesting coffee facts on why coffee may be healthy for you if consumed in moderate quantities:

  • First things first, coffee actually compares quite favorably with other drinks that are universally considered healthy and ‘good for you’. Take green tea for instance. A cup of coffee actually has four times as many antioxidants per cup than a cup of green tea. So if you wish to burn some excess fat off, you can try coffee for better results, rather than green tea!
  • Drinking regular coffee significantly reduces the risk of certain cancers such as liver cancer, as per a study conducted at the University of Helsinki. There have been numerous studies conducted on the subject over the years and most have concluded favorably. There have been conclusions about coffee being able to bring down the risk of colon cancer, breast cancer, rectal cancer, etc. by significant probabilities.
  • If people who work out like a cup of coffee just prior to heading to a gym, there cannot be a better advantage of this. A pre-workout coffee can actually increase a person’s power output in the gym by at least 5 percent. The results can vary and can go as high as 8 percent even. These studies have been published in the Journal for Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
  • Caffeine, which is active substance in coffee, is categorized as a methylxanthine, which is actually a chemical substance that puts first priority on the burning of fat in the body, over other sources of energy.
  • If you are worried about the small amounts of toxic substances in coffee and even decaf, there is another healthier option. Organically grown water-decaf coffee not only reduces your coffee intake if it is in excess quantities but it is also a much healthier option.
  • A cup of coffee day is believed to alleviate asthma symptoms and a Harvard University study has confirmed that this is the case and regular coffee drinkers actually reduces their asthma symptoms by about a third.
  • Well, we all know that coffee can keep us active and awake for longer but not many of us know that coffee works wonders on stamina and physical performance and improves them. A study by the University of Georgia stated that the caffeine in coffee acts as a mild anesthetic that blocks muscle pain and soreness, thus increasing the physical output of regular coffee drinkers.


So if you are part of a family that keeps discouraging you from having so much coffee, you might want to get them to look at this. Though excessive coffee is truly bad, drinking coffee in moderation may actually be good for you.

Saliva Composition and Dental Caries: Dental Health


The various functions of saliva are to lubricate the oral tissues, to protect soft tissues from being crushed, to facilitate digestion, to act against bacteria, to flush the mouth cavity and clean it, to remove particles of food and debris from the teeth and tissues, to maintain an environment enriched with calcium and to be a buffering agent for acid and phosphate. The most important function of saliva is to reduce the risk of dental caries to maintain dental health.

Saliva composition and dental caries:

Normally, everyone’s oral flora has microorganisms that are competent to metabolize fermentable carbohydrates, which leads to production of various acidic by- products. Furthermore, people are required to eat food that contains fermentable carbohydrates to fulfill their energy and nutrient requirements. In this way, the stage is ready for oral flora to metabolize the carbohydrates which will lead to producing acids that remove minerals from enamel and dentin. Since saliva has phosphate buffering agents it helps in bringing the level of phosphates back to normal and thus, saliva composition prevents dental caries.

Saliva works significantly in fighting against dental caries. Its buffering agents neutralize acids produced by bacteria in dental plaques and it also contains minerals that compensate for the removed minerals from enamel and dentin. Saliva also has antibacterial agents in it, which prevents bacterial growth. If the flow of saliva is reduced then the chances of fighting against dental caries also reduces. Salivary flow can be reduced due to reasons such as: ageing and various types of medications. Mouth dryness leads to dental caries and also some other oral diseases.

Good salivary flow has many benefits like –

  • It washes away the food debris.
  • Saliva is alkaline therefore it neutralizes oral acids.
  • Salivary flow reduces tooth decay.
  • It protects the teeth from dietary acids.
  • Salivary flow dilutes the density of acids.
  • It decreases the growth of plaque.
  • It compensates for minerals lost from the teeth.
  • Reduces the risk of other oral diseases.
  • Last but not the least, it prevents dental caries.

These are the main advantages of a good salivary flow. Now you must have come to know how efficient saliva is, in reducing the risk of dental caries.

In short, if we look at saliva composition it contains sodium, chloride, phosphate, potassium, bicarbonates, dissolved gases, urea, mucin, uric acid, globulin, lysozyme, serum albumin and salivary amylase. These all are helpful in one way or another, to protect your teeth from caries. To prevent dental caries here are few tips to help you have good dental health.

  • Brush twice in a day.
  • Eat a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Talk to your dentist for any supplemental fluoride in order to strengthen your teeth.
  • Get your dental check up done regularly.

Along with these tips you can also see here, some facts that improve salivary flow.

  • Chewing stimulates the flow of saliva.
  • The taste, smell, sight or even the thought of some food stimulates flow of saliva.

With a little effort and with good salivary flow you can prevent dental caries and keep your 32 pearls intact.

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